Comment fonctionne une séance Thêta Healing® ?
Au cours d’une séance de Theta Healing®, un praticien vous aide à vous libérer de vos principaux blocages et à améliorer votre santé, vos relations amoureuses et votre carrière. Avec le Theta Healing®, les pensées et croyances négatives sont libérées et transformées de manière positive.
Au cours de la première séance, nous discutons de vos objectifs et de votre intention. Vous êtes assis dans une position détendue et le praticien vous aide à accéder à l’onde cérébrale thêta.
Nous pratiquons par ailleurs des tests musculaires basés sur la kinésiologie. Les techniques principales sont le scan intuitif du corps (analyse énergétique) et le travail de l’ADN au niveau quantique.
N.B : Le Theta Healing® fonctionne avec la même efficacité par vidéoconférence qu’en personne.
Your life does not fully satisfy you?
You know what you want but cannot achieve it?
You have tried various personal development methods without success?
Welcome to ThetaNova
What is Theta Healing ?
Much more than a self-development technique, a revolutionary energy healing modality that helps you reprogram your subconscious mind.
In 1995, Vianna Stibal, a young American naturopath, sick of cancer, succeeded in healing herself by discovering and daily practising an innovative energy healing technique based on the activation of the theta brain wave.
Taught for more than 20 years, Theta Healing® has transformed thousands of lives.
Theta Healing® teaches you to go into the theta brainwave, a state of deep relaxation. In the theta frequency, you have the power to reprogram your subconscious mind and clear it from all your cellular memories. You have the power to heal both physically and emotionally – and to accomplish your deepest desires.
Our certified teachers teach you this modality and assist you in your empowerment towards happiness and abundance
More than 1 million people trained in ThetaHealing®.
The technique is now spread in 152 countries
ThetaHealing® Courses
Learn to practice Theta Healing® yourself to apply it in your everyday life.
Trigger a deep and sustainable change in your life.
What are the fundamentals of Theta Healing®?
How to reach the theta brain wave?
How to use this frequency to identify and release blockages?
How to reprogram your subconscious and clear your cellular memories?
How to activate the desired transformations?
Our 3 day courses enable you to understand, learn and master all of these techniques.